KSSDISPLAY Affiliate Program


This Affiliate Policy outlines the terms and conditions associated with the KSSDISPLAY Affiliate Program. By participating in our Affiliate Program as an affiliate, you agree to comply with all guidelines, rules, and regulations specified in this policy.

1. Joining the Program

To join the KSSDISPLAY Affiliate Program, you must complete and submit our Affiliate Application. Upon approval of your application, you will have the qualification to be an affiliate.

KSSDISPLAY reserves the right to approve or reject any Affiliate Program application at its sole discretion. Affiliates must comply with these terms and conditions, promote our products in an ethical and legal manner, and maintain a website or online presence appropriate for our target audience.

2. Affiliate Responsibilities

As an affiliate, you are responsible for promoting KSSDISPLAY products on your website, blog, social media channels, or through other forms of acceptable.

You should provide truthful and accurate information about our products and promote them in a manner that aligns with our brand values. Affiliates must comply with all applicable laws, including but not limited to, advertising, privacy, and data protection regulations.

3. Commission Structure and Conditions

We offer great profit to you in the way of great discount. If you are like to be the affiliate and sell KSSDISPLAY products, feel free to talk with us. Affiliate relationship will be renewed by year, you need to apply again to be our affiliate.

4. Marketing and Reward

KSSDISPLAY will reward retailers and affiliate by greater product discount. If applicable, KSSDISPLAY can help local retailers to establish branch company and promising investment.

5. Intellectual Property

Affiliates are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use KSSDISPLAY trademarks, logos, and promotional materials for the sole purpose of promoting our products through the Affiliate Program.

Affiliates must not modify, alter, or create derivative works based on our intellectual property without express written permission from KSSDISPLAY.

6. Advertising and Promotion Guidelines

Affiliates must adhere to our advertising and promotion guidelines, which include, but are not limited to, the following:

Avoid making false or misleading claims

Refrain from using spam or unsolicited marketing techniques

Comply with applicable advertising rules and regulations

Obtain approval from KSSDISPLAY for any custom promotional materials

7. Termination

KSSDISPLAY reserves the right to terminate an affiliate’s participation in the program at any time for breach of this policy or any other reason at our sole discretion with or without notice.

Upon termination, all rights and licenses granted to affiliates under this policy will be revoked, and affiliates shall cease the use of KSSDISPLAY intellectual property and promotional materials.

8. Modifications

KSSDISPLAY reserves the right to modify this Affiliate Policy at any time. Affiliates will be notified, and continued participation in the KSSDISPLAY Affiliate Program after the changes have been communicated constitutes acceptance of the changes.

By participating in the KSSDISPLAY Affiliate Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions specified in this policy.

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